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Anita Baker’s Last-Minute Concert Cancellation Angers Fans

Anita Baker attends BET Awards, Show, Los Angeles, USA - 24 Jun 2018

Source: Variety / Getty

Anita Baker is facing the music of aunties who trekked to Atlanta to see her in concert but were sold a fairytale.

According to Fox 5 Atlanta, the “Rapture” singer was scheduled to perform a special Mother’s Day show. However, she canceled at the last minute, leaving her fans disappointed and furious.

Anita is creating a bit of a pattern of needing to say “I Apologize” to her fans for either canceled shows or mistreatment during the concerts she actually shows up for.

This particular cancellation is a bit more bizarre. Some reports claim that the singer also failed to show up for the soundcheck and may not have ever been in Atlanta at all.

Singer Ledisi, may have confirmed the claims as she posted herself being given an honorary doctorate from Berklee College hours before. She thanked Anita for sharing words during the ceremony along with John Legend and MC Lyte. Berklee College is in Boston.

Maybe Auntie Anita just could not make it back in time, chile.

Still, the internet dragged the icon for her last-minute antics on a holiday weekend.

Most recently, Auntie Anita bumped heads with the original smooth operator, Babyface, when the pair joined forces for a tour early last year. The latter ended up being dropped from the lineup after conflicting reports about why he failed to perform his sets in full during several stops.

She did offer refunds for those who were coming to see Babyface but the tour went on as scheduled.

Babyface would later release a statement of his own saying,

“I am saddened by the news that Anita Baker has decided to remove me from “The Songstress Tour.” It’s unfortunate and disheartening to see how things have played out via social media.”

He did express his “love and respect” for the iconic songstress, nonetheless.

All jokes aside, we’re hoping that all is well with Auntie Anita.

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