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Zendaya embarks on a multi-year collaboration with performance brand On

Performance brand On has officially announced a multi-year partnership with the multi-talented actress and fashion icon, Zendaya. The collaboration kicks off with a creative initiative titled “Dream Together,” featuring a short film directed by C Prinz with Zendaya in the starring role. This campaign is set to spark conversations about the unifying power of sports and movement across diverse backgrounds.

A partnership rooted in mutual appreciation

Zendaya expressed her enthusiasm for the partnership, citing her long-standing personal preference for On’s products during her on-set activities, travels, rehearsals, and casual outings. “It’s a full-circle moment to make this partnership official,” Zendaya remarked. She emphasized the importance of recognizing and valuing the support and upliftment from one’s community, a sentiment deeply woven into the fabric of the “Dream Together” campaign.

On’s vision for global connection

David Allemann, co-founder of On, shared his excitement about having Zendaya on board to help the brand expand its global reach. He views the “Dream Together” film as just the beginning of a series of narratives that will unfold, aiming to incorporate unique perspectives alongside Zendaya to further the brand’s mission of fostering collective dreams.

What’s next for Zendaya and on?

As the partnership between Zendaya and On takes shape, fans can expect to see more collaborative efforts that blend the worlds of performance, fashion, and community. With Zendaya’s influence and On’s innovative approach to sportswear, this alliance is poised to inspire and connect with audiences worldwide.

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