
Terrell Miller:Domestic Dispute Ends In Death Of 4-Year-Old

Keianna Miller, a mother in Illinois, arrived home on March 16 with her 4-year-old son, Terrell. She reportedly found her boyfriend, Anthony George, drunk and enraged.

The mother made a terrified call to the police, and amid the ordeal, she was allegedly stabbed by her boyfriend 25 times.

Police ultimately arrived on the scene. However, the incident ended with her 4-year-old son being killed along with her boyfriend.

Now, Keianna is demanding justice for her son as she strives to hold the officers accountable.

The Shade Room’s Justin Carter is investigating what occurred in Miller’s apartment on ‘TSR Investigates.’

Here’s What Happened To Terell Miller & His Mother Keianna

According to Carter, the incident occurred around 10 p.m. in Macomb, Illinois. Keianna explained that the ordeal unfolded after George threatened her by holding a knife to her throat. George allegedly believed Keianna had been unfaithful toward him despite her denials.

Keianna told Carter that George became intimate with her and “jabbed” the knife into her back while doing so. Eventually, she managed to escape him and find her son.

The pair exited the apartment and attempted to get down the stairs before Terrell tripped and fell. George allegedly used the opportunity to stab Keianna 25 times.

“He was stabbing me in my shoulder, my chest, um, underneath my breast, my stomach… he got me in my head,” Keianna told Carter.

Amid the ordeal, Terrell reportedly ran back inside the apartment and hid under his bed. Meanwhile, Keianna began banging on neighbors’ doors in an attempt to get their attention.

How Did The Incident End With Terrell Miller’s Death?

Macomb police reportedly arrived on the scene within three minutes. After kicking open the door, they aimed their weapons toward George, who was reportedly armed with two knives. At that point, Keianna managed to run away from his grasp and jabs before she lost consciousness shortly after.

George then grabbed Terrell, who could be heard screaming.

“They had plenty of time to tase him,  pepper spray him, jump him, or even shoot him,” Keianna told Carter. “But instead, they just stood by the threshold and didn’t come in, didn’t do anything, just yelling and screaming for him to put the knife down, and they just watched him walk into my son’s room and come back out.”

Scroll above to watch as Carter uncovers what happened to Terrell in the following moments and speaks with Keianna about the police department’s alleged response and mixed accounts of her son’s death. Additionally, Carter delves into whether any Macomb officers or their superiors are being legally held accountable for their actions in the tragic incident and shares a statement from the department.

RELATED: Sonya Massey’s Family Seeks JUSTICE After A 911 Call Resulted In Her Tragic Death | TSR Investigates

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