Jacksonville Florida cop fired for accidentally shooting Black man

Police officers aren’t typically the brightest Crayons in the box but this is a new level of stupid and reckless even for them.
A viral video of a police officer in Florida shooting a Black is making its way around the social media and in a place where no one can agree on anything, the comment sections, replies, and retweets are unanimous in their disgust, disdain, and disbelief.
According to CBSNews, a Black man named Jason Arrington was pulled over for running a red light by Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) Officer Shaun Lowry with Officers Mindy Cardwell and Austin Weippert as backup. Arrington was transparent with the officers telling them that he was legally concealed carrying a firearm. When Officer Cardwell went to retrieve the weapon from the holster inside Arrington’s waistband, she did so while pressing the trigger and “accidentally” shot Arrington in the leg. He was transported to the hospital and listed in stable condition with a non-life-threatening injury.
Warning. The following video may be disturbing to some viewers.
JSO readily admitted that Arrington did no wrong and described him as “cooperative” in a public statement released on Facebook.
An internal affairs investigation found that Officer Mindy Cardwell was incompetent and she was terminated from the department effective immediately. The sick irony of the situation is that she was working “off duty” as a member of Group Violence Intervention initiative aiming to not only curb violence but foster a better relationship between police and the community. If former Officer Cardwell didn’t know the rules of gun safety nor how to safely remove a firearm from a person, then she shouldn’t be working any duty, “off” or otherwise.
Society is so cooked.