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Couple Goes Viral After Rescinding Wedding Invitation

Wedding Invitations, RSVP

A couple sent an unconventional note to their invitees, and the internet has some strong opinions.

Wedding planning can be daunting, especially when you are unsure how many guests will attend. A couple decided to take matters into their own hands by disinviting people who did not RSVP in time.  

“We are sorry you can’t make it to our wedding. Our RSVP deadline has passed and you unfortunately did not respond. We would have love to have you attend but final numbers have now been turned in and your presence will be missed,” reads the note that was posted by user ChiChi on X. 

The post, which has 11 million views, received many comments in support of the couple. 

“Can’t lie, I’m very impressed they stood their ground. If you can’t take my wedding serious then you don’t deserve to be there.” one commenter said. 

An X user who goes by the name of Trini87 said that he wished he had done the same thing.  

“I wish my wife and I had done this. It would have avoided so much stress as the venue needed to know our final numbers but people were taking too long to respond. Also, people RSVP’d as coming but never showed up. We paid $175 per plate for catering. Those spots could have gone to others that we wanted to come but couldn’t invite because of our budget,” he said. 

Some users thought the couple could have given their guests some grace. 

“Such events should be attended by close family and friends…whom you can reach out to and remind them to RSVP – if you can create an ‘I’m sorry you missed’ you could’ve used that time to reach out to your people,” an X user wrote. 

“Who puts the ACTUAL date on ANYTHING due??? I always lie by a week or two, work/personal, colleague/ friend or family. People have lives, factor that into dates & times. And, if it’s that important, call to follow up – you got 2 weeks.”  X user Sophia wrote. 

RSVP is the French phrase “répondez s’il vous plaît,” which translates to “respond if you please.” RSVPs help hosts effectively plan events by knowing how many people will attend. An accurate headcount can ensure adequate food, drinks, and seating for guests. Were the soon-to-be newlyweds too harsh, or were they standing on business?

RELATED CONTENT: How To Plan A Wedding On A Budget

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