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Coach Stormy Reflects On ‘Low Vibrational Food Fiasco’

A wealth coach who found herself at the center of a “low vibrational” food fiasco is speaking about the moment that introduced her to a number of new people and intro’d a punny phrase into Black lexicon.

Source: Alexander Tamargo / Getty

Back in 2022, Stormy Wellington made headlines when she scolded her Total Life Changes mentee for eating a plate of food stacked with BBQ fixings.  Labeling it “low vibrational”, the Miamian said she would never eat off a plate like that and encouraged the woman, Dr. Tammy Price, to do better.

The moment sparked numerous parodies from celebs and the like…

and the viral term is used to this day, especially around the holidays and special occasions when “low vibrational plates” are acceptable.

Now years later, the wealth coach and motivational speaker recalled the moment to BOSSIP and explained that her comments were out of love for Price who was having a difficult time in her life.

“She called me a couple of weeks prior [and said] she was dealing with some family issues,” Coach Stormy who likens “low vibrational” to a metaphor told BOSSIP. “And that day, through her food, like, I was really able to see that her weight issues, her financial issues, her family issues, was deeper than what I thought it was because it showed up in her place. It wasn’t what she had on her plate. I wasn’t trying to turn her into a vegan or a pescatarian, it was the way her plate was proportioned and the sloppiness of her plate. The vibrational frequency came from not just the food itself.”

She went on to explain that when she has empowerment events like her”Awakening Intensive” event that recently took place in Miami, she aims to “push people” like she did her friend in the viral video.

“I’ve been empowering men and women for over two decades now,” said Coach Stormy. “I’m someone who was always that girl that wanted to push people to be better than they were.

Because if you are around me, I want you to be better than me or just as great as me. And so I learned a lot after battling depression, after suicidal moments in my life, after being on Section 8, After being in foster care, visiting my mom and my siblings in prison…I had a very rough, rough life.”

She continued,

“And I dropped out of school in the 10th grade. I never went to college and I remember filing for bankruptcy several times before the age of 19. I used to be a stripper. I wasn’t the woman I am today. I wasn’t always someone who had a respective voice or respected lifestyle. I learned a lot over my last 44 years of living. I invested a lot in myself. I know myself. I love myself.”

Coach Stormy also noted that her events attract people from all backgrounds ranging from “doctors, pastors, teachers, strippers, schemers, scammers and pastors” who invest in themselves.

“Investing in yourself means more than getting your nails and hair done,” she told Managing Editor Dani Canada. “It means more than getting some veneers. It means more than getting the BBL and liposuction. Investing in yourself means, do you read books? Investing in yourself means, do you go get massages? Investing in yourself means, are you part of a community?”


These days Coach Stormy is investing in her community including her recently having thought leaders like Tamika Mallory on Instagram Live to discuss Trump’s ties to Project 2025 ahead of the Presidential election.

“I feel responsible,” said the coach. “I know I just found out about Project 2025 like a week ago. I found out from a guy who was doing my best friend’s hair, it’s like, ‘Wait a minute, I’m a big voice. A lot of people know me. How come I’m just finding out that women may lose the right to go have an abortion?’ That’s serious. I just wanted to use my platform as a responsible adult. I’m not a kid anymore and if I can help us to save us from them, then I’m willing to bring the people in who know more than I know to talk from that level because I’m not a political scholar and I’m not trying to be.”

Elsewhere in the interview she also spoke on remaining posting despite negative headlines.

“I get excited and I be like, ‘Damn, how could I do that again to make them come see who I am?’ 99 % of people begin not liking me, but once they tap into me, they are hooked and they don’t want to leave me. I have more people that come back and say, ‘I find out about you because of some hate mail’ more than they find out about me from some good mail.”

She continued,

“So I know I’m a good person. I’m a great person. If I was a bad person, that type of stuff would scare me but I don’t mind. It doesn’t bother me because I know who I really am.”



“I’m excited about still empowering people. My goal is to build the people. I believe when you build the people, the people could go out and build anything. I will just continue to be the messenger, the voice, the person that started low vibrational. Now I’m very high vibrational in every area of my life. And so I’m going to keep showing up and just doing what I’m supposed to do with economic elevation everywhere that I go.”


Ultimately, she wants people and Black entrepreneurs like herself to remember that nothing is unattainable.

“You can have money. You can have a healthy body, a healthy lifestyle. You can have great friends,” said Coach Stormy. “You can have a beautiful relationship if you believe that you can have it all.”

Source: Alexander Tamargo / Getty

Watch our interview with Coach Stormy Wellington!

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