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The Influence of the Arts in the African American Community

Discover the powerful influence of the arts within the African American community as two lawmakers share their personal perspectives. Explore the rich history and diverse forms of African American arts, its role in social justice movements, and its impact on mainstream culture. Learn about the preservation and promotion of African American culture and the economic opportunities provided by the arts. Find out about art programs and initiatives, and be inspired by the role models and icons in the African American arts community.

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Calvin Pearson: Rewriting Black History with Project 1619

Discover the captivating story of Calvin Pearson, the visionary founder of Project 1619, who has dedicated himself to rewriting Black history in America. Unearthing groundbreaking evidence, Pearson shattered long-held beliefs by revealing the true birthplace of Black American culture. Join the journey as he shines a light on the forgotten chapters of the African American experience.

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Black Inventors: Thomas Jennings and the Invention of Dry Cleaning

Discover the fascinating story of Black inventor, Thomas Jennings, who revolutionized the cleaning industry with his invention of dry cleaning in 1821. He paved the way for other Black inventors like Joseph Jackson, Granville T. Woods, Lonnie Johnson, and Garrett Morgan to make significant contributions in various fields. Learn about their inventions and the lasting impacts they have made in society. Watch the video and explore their incredible legacies.

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