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Cam’ron Blames Adidas For Issues With Anthony Edwards

Cam'Ron and Anthony Edwards

Cam’Ron & Anthony Edwards – Source: Morgan Engel /Thaddaeus McAdams/ Getty

After being featured in the latest Anthony Edwards and Adidas commercial, Cam’ron responds placing the blame on Adidas.

After Anthony Edwards and The Minnesota Timberwolves were eliminated in the NBA playoffs Adidas dropped off a perfectly timed Ad. In the commercial Edwards responded to his detractors no matter how big or small and even responded to Cam’ron with a “f*ck buddy”.

According to USA Today, Cam’ron didn’t take the disrespect lying down and opened his new episode of It Is What It Is with a new freestyle response.

“But f**k wrong with Ant-Man, gave him his props, homie got love from me, new commercial, y’all ain’t got love for me” Cam’ron started his raps. “Adidas I’m Blaming You, This Is Your Fault. Y’all think you got the b-ball version of Kanye. Come on stop it dude, y’all just stopping through. He do something you don’t like you’ll drop him too.”

While Cam’ron responded to Anthony Edwards he gave Adidas the brunt of the response. Cam dragged Adidas as a business and reminded them this was just a moment for them and that they would eventually fumble.

“I ain’t mean no disrespect this morning, but to be totally honest, I thought the commercial was dope. I don’t f**k with the sneakers, but it was dope… I don’t even remember saying [he wasn’t a superstar]… it must’ve been last season because all season I been having Anthony Edwards back. I don’t know where this came from.” Cam said.

To make matters worse Cam referenced the history of athletes getting injured in Adidas kicks. Ultimately, he admitted he doesn’t want to smoke with Anthony Edwards and says he’s a fan and supporter. However, for Adidas, it seems they made a new enemy who won’t let this go anytime soon. Hopefully for the sake of the culture AE and Cam’ron can get together and patch things up. Those two together in any content format would be legendary.

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