
4th Annual African American Read-In in Charlotte Mecklenburg Library this weekend

Join the community in celebrating African American literature at the 4th Annual African American Read-In taking place this weekend at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. This exciting event invites readers of all ages to come together and explore the rich heritage and stories that have shaped the Black American experience. From poignant memoirs to powerful works of fiction, this event showcases the incredible diversity and talent within the African American literary landscape. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow book lovers and discover new voices that will captivate your imagination.

Event Details

Date and Time

The 4th Annual African American Read-In will be held this weekend on Saturday, February 17th. The event will run from morning to evening, with various programs and activities scheduled throughout the day.


The Read-In will take place at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, located in the heart of the QC. The library provides a spacious and welcoming environment, perfect for hosting this community event.


Admission to the Read-In is free for all attendees. This allows everyone in the community to participate and enjoy the various activities and programs planned for the day.


The event is organized and coordinated by a dedicated team of individuals from the local community who are passionate about promoting African American literature and fostering a love for reading. Their hard work and commitment have made this annual event a success.

Program Highlights

Author Readings

The Read-In will feature renowned African American authors who will read excerpts from their works. This is a unique opportunity for attendees to listen to these talented authors share their stories and insights.

Poetry Performances

A lineup of acclaimed poets will captivate the audience with their powerful and thought-provoking performances. From spoken word to traditional poetry, these performances will showcase the richness and diversity of African American poetry.

Book Signings

Attendees will have the chance to meet and interact with their favorite authors during book signing sessions. This is an excellent opportunity to get a personalized copy of a book and have a brief conversation with the authors themselves.

Panel Discussions

Engage in insightful and thought-provoking discussions on various topics related to African American literature and culture. Expert panelists will share their knowledge and perspectives, providing unique insights into these important topics.

Featured Authors

Name 1

(Name 1) is an award-winning author known for his/her captivating storytelling. With several best-selling novels to his/her name, (Name 1) has gained a loyal following and is celebrated for his/her ability to bring characters to life.

Name 2

(Name 2) is a highly respected poet and essayist, known for her powerful and evocative verses. Her works explore themes of identity, heritage, and the African American experience, inspiring readers with her poetic eloquence.

Name 3

(Name 3) is a rising star in the literary world. With his/her debut novel receiving critical acclaim, (Name 3) has quickly established himself/herself as a promising voice in African American literature. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear (Name 3) read from his/her compelling work.

Name 4

(Name 4) is a beloved children’s author who has captured the hearts of young readers with his/her enchanting stories. Through vibrant illustrations and relatable characters, (Name 4) has made a lasting impact on the children’s literary world.

Poetry Performers

Performer 1

(Performer 1) is a renowned spoken word artist known for his/her mesmerizing performances. With a unique blend of rhythm and lyrical prowess, (Performer 1) has captivated audiences around the country.

Performer 2

(Performer 2) is a distinguished poet whose words have touched the hearts of many. Known for her poignant and emotionally resonant verses, (Performer 2) will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Performer 3

(Performer 3) is a talented poet who effortlessly intertwines music and spoken word in his/her performances. With a captivating stage presence, (Performer 3) is sure to captivate the audience with his/her rhythmic and soulful poetry.

Performer 4

(Performer 4) is a rising star in the poetry scene. Known for his/her unique style and fresh perspective, (Performer 4) has gained recognition for his/her ability to provoke thought and inspire through his/her words.

Book Signings

Author 1

(Author 1) is a celebrated author whose books have touched the hearts of readers worldwide. With a knack for storytelling and well-developed characters, (Author 1) has established himself/herself as a master of the craft.

Author 2

(Author 2) is a prolific writer who has authored numerous best-selling novels. Known for his/her ability to tackle complex themes with sensitivity and depth, (Author 2) has garnered praise from critics and readers alike.

Author 3

(Author 3) is a trailblazer in the literary world. Known for her groundbreaking works, (Author 3) has shattered barriers and opened doors for aspiring African American writers. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet this influential author in person.

Author 4

(Author 4) is a captivating storyteller whose novels have garnered a loyal following. With a talent for crafting gripping narratives, (Author 4) has become a beloved figure in the African American literary community.

Panel Discussions

Topic 1

The first panel discussion will explore the power of storytelling in African American literature. Panelists will discuss the impact of literature on identity, representation, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Topic 2

In the second panel discussion, panelists will delve into the importance of diversity in literature. They will shed light on the need for diverse voices and perspectives in order to create a more inclusive literary landscape.

Topic 3

The third panel discussion will highlight the role of African American literature in promoting social justice and activism. Panelists will examine the ways in which literature can serve as a catalyst for change and inspire action.

Topic 4

The final panel discussion will focus on the future of African American literature. Panelists will discuss emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field, offering insights into what lies ahead for this vibrant and essential genre.

Community Engagement

Book Donations

The Read-In encourages attendees to bring books to donate to local schools, libraries, and community centers. This initiative aims to promote literacy and provide access to books for underserved communities.

Literacy Workshops

Engage in interactive workshops designed to enhance literacy skills and promote a love for reading. Led by experienced educators and literacy experts, these workshops offer valuable insights and tips for fostering a lifelong passion for literature.

Networking Opportunities

Connect with fellow book lovers, authors, and educators during networking sessions. These informal gatherings provide a platform for meaningful conversations, collaborations, and the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Read-In offers various volunteer opportunities for individuals who are passionate about promoting literacy and African American literature. From assisting with event logistics to reading to children, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference.

Supporting Organizations

Organization 1

Organization 1 is a local nonprofit dedicated to promoting African American culture and literature. Their efforts in organizing the Read-In have been instrumental in making this event a success.

Organization 2

Organization 2 is a community-based organization that focuses on empowering underserved communities through education and literacy programs. Their partnership with the Read-In aligns with their mission to foster a love for reading among children and adults alike.

Organization 3

Organization 3 is a publishing house dedicated to amplifying the voices of African American writers. Through their support of emerging and established authors, they play a crucial role in shaping the literary landscape.

Organization 4

Organization 4 is an advocacy group that works towards promoting diversity and inclusion in literature. Their collaboration with the Read-In further strengthens their commitment to fostering a more equitable and representative literary community.

Event Schedule

Opening Ceremony

The Read-In will kick off with an inspiring opening ceremony, where community leaders and event organizers will share their thoughts and aspirations for the event. This ceremony sets the tone for the day’s activities and fosters a sense of unity and purpose.

Author Readings

Throughout the day, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to captivating readings by featured authors. These sessions will be scheduled at various times, allowing attendees to choose which authors they would like to hear from.

Panel Discussions

Engage in stimulating and enlightening panel discussions led by experts in the field of African American literature. These discussions will provide attendees with insights, perspectives, and knowledge on a range of important topics.

Poetry Performances

Immerse yourself in the power of poetry with mesmerizing performances by talented poets. These performances will showcase the beauty and diversity of African American poetry, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Why Attend the Read-In?

Celebrating African American Literature

The Read-In provides a unique platform to celebrate and honor the rich tradition of African American literature. By attending, you contribute to the recognition and appreciation of the literary achievements of African American writers.

Promoting Literacy within the Community

Through workshops, book donations, and literacy initiatives, the Read-In actively promotes literacy within the community. By attending and supporting these efforts, you contribute to fostering a love for reading and improving access to books for all.

Connecting with Local Authors and Poets

The Read-In offers a rare opportunity to meet and connect with talented local authors and poets. By attending book signings, author readings, and poetry performances, you can engage in meaningful conversations and deepen your appreciation for their work.

Engaging in Important Discussions

Panel discussions provide a space for participants to engage in critical conversations about African American literature, diversity, social justice, and the future of the genre. By attending these discussions, you can broaden your understanding and contribute to the ongoing dialogue.

In conclusion, the 4th Annual African American Read-In promises to be a day filled with literary delights, engaging discussions, and a celebration of African American literature. From author readings and poetry performances to thought-provoking panel discussions, there is something for everyone to enjoy and learn from at this event. So mark your calendars and join us at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library for a day of connection, inspiration, and the joy of reading.

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